Sunday, July 11, 2010

Major works

Major Works of Henry David Thoreau

- A Plea for Captain John Brown, 1859
- A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, 1849
- A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers, 1866
- An Excursion to Canada, 1853
- Autumn, 1892
- Autumnal Tints, 1862
- Cape Cod, 1865

- Early Spring in Massachusetts, 1881
- Excursions, 1863
- Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau, 1894
- The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau, 1905
- The Highland Light, 1864

Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1906
- The Landlord, 1843
- Letters to Various Persons, 1865
- Life Without Principle, 1863
- The Maine Woods, 1864
- Night and Moonlight, 1863
- Poems of Nature, 1895
- Resistance to Civil Government, or Civil Disobedience, 1849
- The Service, 1840
- Slavery in Massachusetts, 1854
- Some Unpublished Letters of Henry D. and Sophia E. Thoreau, 1898
- Summer, 1884
- Walden, or Life in the Woods, 1854
- Walking, 1861
- Wild Apples: The History of the Apple Tree, 1862
- Winter, 1888

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